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Non-Slip Decking Strips: 7 Tips for a Safer Home

You put a lot of thought into your beautiful deck, whether it’s a traditional cedar one, vinyl based, or a composite (wood fiber and recycled polyethylene).

Regardless of the design or where you build it, any deck can have some safety issues, especially when the wood or synthetic material become wet. It’s not just a summer shower you need to worry about. Moss, algae and leaves can quickly become hazards too.

It’s easy to guard against slips and falls with anti-slip fiberglass deck strips from Sure-Foot. Here are 10 key considerations to keep in mind as you weigh whether to add decking strips:

1. Keep a handle on your home insurance premiums.

If decking strips can prevent minor scrapes and bruises, they can also help avoid far more serious injuries to necks, arms and heads. U.S. homeowners already pay nearly $1,200 a year for insurance, according to the Insurance Information Institute. You want to do everything you can to keep those premiums from skyrocketing.

2. Safety abounds around homes.

Think how much effort you already make to keep your home safe for your family and guests. Examples include: 

  • Fireplace screens
  • Outlet covers and gates for toddlers 
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors 
  • Locks

3. Existing deck safety.

You already have a safety foundation with many aspects of your deck — everything from depth of deck posts to the railings.

4. Deck strip shapes and colors.

When you use deck strips, safety is the number one priority. But the presence of deck strips can actually complement your deck design, not detract from it. Choose the sizes and colors that make the most sense for you.

5. Use deck strips where it makes sense for your needs.

With tables, chairs, planters, storage bins and more, you don’t need to install deck strips on every board. Yes, you want them on steps, but you can decide on where to place the rest.

6. Decking strips are affordable.

You already committed to spending thousands of dollars on the core construction as well as lighting, furniture and extras like a heater or hot tub. For just a little more money, your deck strips will help prevent kids and adults from losing their footing.

7. They’re easy to install.

You only need a few tools and supplies like a drill, hack saw and rust-resistant, stainless steel screws.

When you use deck strips, you also get a little extra peace of mind knowing you’ve done your part to make your home as safe as possible. 

Do you have specific questions about decking strips? We’d be happy to help. Contact us today.

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